A thermal vacuum tester is a device used to test the performance and reliability of products under vacuum and high temperature conditions. A thermal vacuum test chamber is usually composed of a vacuum chamber, heating system, refrigeration system, control system, and measurement system. Among these components, the vacuum chamber is the core part of the test chamber, which is used to simulate the real state of the product in the use environment. The heating system is used to heat the product to the required temperature, while the refrigeration system is employed to maintain a low temperature in certain experiments. The control system is responsible for regulating the temperature, pressure, and other parameters of the test chamber, while the measurement system is tasked with monitoring the performance and parameters of the product.
GB/T32221 |
GB/T34522 |
GJB3758 |
GJB1033 |
GJB1027A, etc |
Working principle of the thermal vacuum test chamber
The working principle of the thermal vacuum test chamber is achieved through the following steps:
1. Vacuum Extraction: The vacuum chamber of the tester is pumped into a vacuum state to simulate the real state of the product in the use environment.
2. Heating: The product is heated to the required temperature by the heating system to test its performance and reliability under high temperature conditions.
3. Refrigeration: In some experiments, the product is kept at a low temperature by means of a refrigeration system to test the performance and reliability of the product under low-temperature conditions.
4. Measurement: A measurement system is used to monitor the performance and parameters of the product in order to assess its performance and reliability.
5. Control: The temperature, pressure, and other parameters of the test chamber are controlled by the control system to ensure the accuracy and repeatability of the experiment.
Application of thermal vacuum test chambers
Thermal vacuum test chambers are widely used in aerospace, electronics, automotive and other fields for testing the performance and reliability of products in these fields. For instance, in the aerospace industry, thermal vacuum test chambers can replicate the actual conditions of a product in a high-altitude environment, enabling the assessment of its performance and reliability under both high and low temperature conditions. In the field of electronics, thermal vacuum test chambers are used to test the performance and reliability of products under vacuum conditions, such as vacuum tubes, electron microscopes, and other equipment. In the automotive industry, thermal vacuum testers are used to test the performance and reliability of automotive parts under high and low temperature conditions, ensuring the safety and reliability of automobiles.